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After the implementation of my teaching unit, I would like to reflect about both my performance as a teacher and my experience of Pràcticum V. 

Regarding my teaching practise, I have to say that I was really lucky with this school. At the end, we ended up having a very good relationship -me and the other school staff: we spent lot of hours together, both during the teaching hours and in the canteen. I will remember that school forever, I am sure of it!

I have learned a lot there: how to manage a class of more than 25 students, get their attention, make them all participate, be active, involve them in all the activities proposed, etc. Moreover, I believe that personally I have grown quite a lot. Now I could say that I am aware of my own strenghts but also of my weaknesses. That is really good because I can start my perform as a teacher being aware of what I could improve and what I am good at.

With regards to the Pràcticum V itself, I am really proud of the work we have been carrying out since February, when we started our last teaching practise beofre being real teachers.

I really enjoyed the practicum seminars with my classmates and tutor: they were all fantastic and kind. However, although we all had a great relationship and had fun during one hour and a half a week, I believe we would have taken more advantage of the time we had if we had invested it doing other things. I think it is normal that we have compulsory face-to-face sessions at university, but we should also be conscious that listening to the others' experiences every single week can be a little bit boring and a loose of time. I really think it is very profitable to listen to the other, because you can be in the same situation or sometimes what the others do can inspire you in your teaching. It is true, that is why I strongly believe that some hours should be devoted to group discussions or exchanging of experiences, but not every single week. 

On the other hand, now I really appreciate the work we have been doing since the very single beginning of the practicum. I has not been until this June when I have realised how lucky my group has been regarding the amount of work. It is true that during practicum V we have been more busy than other groups, but at the end you appreciate it because we have done a lot of work beforehand. 


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